The Athelorn Avengers Wood Elf Blood Bowl Team Supply
- Description
The Athelorn Avengers Wood Elf Blood Bowl Team
Blood Bowl is the original game of fantasy football in which players participate in hyper-violent matches, to win each team must try to score more touchdowns than their opponent. However, most players are more focused on bludgeoning their rivals in any way they can in order to incapacitate, maim or even kill them! After all, if a player happens to break their neck, there is one less player standing in the way of victory.
Wood Elves like all Elven Teams are masters of the long game, their natural grace and finesse provide an edge over the younger, clumsier races. It is commonplace to see an elven team blitz the opposing players so quickly that they are left dazed, confused and wondering what just happened. A unique player to Wood Elf Teams is the Wardancer, these players are skilled in the art of war and apply their deadly skills to the Blood Bowl pitch, packing a surprising punch for an elf. Wood Elves can also include a Treeman in their line up, adding a huge deterrent for any opponent thinking the wood elf line would be weak and easy to break.
With a combination of Strength and agility, the Athelorn Avengers are not to be taken lightly!
The multi-part, plastic Athelorn Avengers Blood Bowl Team contains;
12 Wood Elf players,
2x Throwers
2x Catchers
2x Wardncers
8x Line Elves
3 Wood Elf Themed Balls
4x Wood Elf Specific Counters
2x Double-sided score coins
2x Turn markers
Assembly guide
An ‘out of the box’ team roster